Performance Management
We show you how to measure for real results, so your team can manage toward your objectives. Our Performance Management Methodology works by empowering you to make the right decisions and act based on those decisions immediately. It’s about providing actionable insights that drive the flow of information. You will have the data, tools, and processes at your fingertips to effect real change in real-time. We help you build a culture of empowerment, but also accountability, that consistently delivers results.
Working directly with your organization, we will align strategic objectives, business outcomes, and metrics across domains, and help you establish a performance management program that serves as a single source of business intelligence across your organization. Data is the foundation of smart decisions, so we work cross-functionally to define business metrics, connect top-level strategic priorities, and measure business activities so that everyone has a clear picture and is working toward the same goals.
You can’t manage if you can’t measure. We will help your organization choose the right key performance indicators and service level agreements to increase transparency across your organization. Leaders can make fact-based decisions. Our consultants work directly with your organization to develop a single source of truth and a comprehensive performance dictionary. This dictionary includes full metric definitions, service levels, KPI calculations, and detailed data source mapping for consistent, clear, and relevant Key Performance Indicators and Service Level Agreements.

LoBue utilizes LAPIS (LoBue Associates Performance Improvement Solution) a proven methodology and automated toolset to optimize service, efficiency and quality. This is linked to our client platform, (PxCube), which empowers management with ongoing Business Intelligence, (BI), and Key Production Indicators (KPI's), to maximize Enterprise Performance.
Client Results